Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27
Did you know?
Within the U.S. there are over 400,000 children currently living in foster care. In many cases these children are victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment, in some cases one or both of their parents have died. The statistics on children and homelessness within the U.S. is even more alarming; 1.5 million or 1 in 50 children experience homelessness each year. The global statistics on orphans are even more catastrophic, the current estimate is over 140 million worldwide. This is a complex issue and city serve is making a difference across several different fronts both domestically and globally.
Here’s how we are making an impact.
CityServe is on the forefront of finding loving homes and support for every child needing a family in the US. Your church can join the fight to ensure that “No Child Is Left Behind”.
Here are just some of the ways your church can engage in this initiative:
- Be a voice for advocacy and recruit willing families within your congregation to champion this call to become foster parents.
- Designate a specific Sunday morning service to pray and raise awareness within your community.
- Provide volunteer support and paperwork assistance to those in your community who are in the adoption process.
- Use your CityServe resources to partner with other non-profits or help support your local foster care and adoption agency to meet practical needs such as suitcases, snacks, toys, and basic materials to children in transition.
- Resource new foster families with furniture, beds, cribs, formula, diapers, and other items that will help them provide a loving and welcoming home environment.

The Initiatives
The Hungry
The Widow
The Orphan
The Poor
The Addicted
The Prisoner
The Vulnerable
The Exploited
The Unreached
Rick Smith
CityServe SoCal Director: Orphan Initiative
Rick is passionate about pursuing the mission of James 1:27 “… pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of the orphans.” In addition to serving as the CityServe SoCal Director of the Orphan Initiative he also is the founder and CEO of Pathway Family Services.
For more than 25 years Rick has provided services and homes for approximately 10,000 foster children throughout Southern California and he has helped to provide adoptive homes for several hundred of these children.